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  • Latex Nuns First Rubber Gas Mask Experience
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    D K Bondage - Latex Nuns First Rubber Gas Mask Experience

    Clip Description

    In the previous video clip we saw latex nun for the first time, dressed in a latex catsuit and wimple and tied to a heavy bondage chair.

    although she tries hard to resist we soon have a rubber gas mask pulled over her head and zipped shut. She cannot see as the eye pieces have been taped over. A long rubber tube is screwed into the side connection to the mask and a firther length of tube is added. At the end of this new tube is a large breathing bag and a connector that is pushed into a bubbler bottle filled with water.

    latex nun must now get her air from the bubbler bottle and once the small tube is pushed into the bottle her air will have had to pass through the water in the bottle. We push the small tube progressively deeper into the bubbler bottle making breathing more difficult for latex nun. No amount of struggling allows her to reach the bottle.

    we film these scenes from a front-facing camera and also a hand-held camera, providing a different view of the action. When the gas mask is eventually removed latex nun thinks she has been given a reprieve, but the gas mask is replaced immediately with a thin plastic bag.

    watch as her struggles are intensified and she tries to pull off the bag. We film her as the bag is held on over her head. There is no escape for latex nun.

    Clip Duration:      28 minutes
    Format Size
    wmv259.8 MB

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    D K Bondage - Latex Nuns First Rubber Gas Mask Experience

    D K Bondage - Latex Nuns First Rubber Gas Mask Experience

    D K Bondage - Latex Nuns First Rubber Gas Mask Experience

    D K Bondage - Latex Nuns First Rubber Gas Mask Experience

    D K Bondage - Latex Nuns First Rubber Gas Mask Experience

    D K Bondage - Latex Nuns First Rubber Gas Mask Experience
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in between there are ten glorious minutes of struggling and heavy breathing as 'thisgirl' gets used to the tightness of the bondage and learns to breathe through the rubber backpack.

during this time she manages to sit up but a slight push sends her back onto the bed.  Her struggles almost land her on the floor.  That scene reminded us of humpty dumpty, but fortunately the rubber shell remained unbroken.

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important:  please not that the video goes black from 5m38s to 6m 20s.  This is not a fault.  At the time, I was using a hand-held camera, and to allow me to fasten the second layer of karina's hood (which was very tight) I had to put down the hand-held camera).  The camera output was included in the final version so that you could hear karina's vocals as I completed her bondage.

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karina's head is drawn ever tighter as the two loops of tape are fastened together.  Karina tries to work on the tape with her hands but all that happens is that she gets her hands wrapped in electrical tape.

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unable to stop us, a rubber gasmask is fitted and connected to a bubbler bottle.  The latex sack is then fully closed.  Karina is not at all sure about this!  After a few minutes the bubbler bottle is disconnected and the breathing apparatus is reconnected.  Placing a thumb over a little hole in the tubing has a remarkable effect on karina - one that she had not counted on feeling.

when we eventually disconnect the tubing and open the latex sack karina is in a profound state of bliss. :)  We hope that you enjoy this clip and hope that karina will soon be back for more.

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normally the clip would be split into two because of its size but we felt that this needed to be sold in its entirety.

'thisgirl' is eager to try the heavy rubber bondage bag.  Wearing a latex catsuit and eyeless latex hood, 'thisgirl' inserts herself into the bondage bag.  Zipped in and then further strapped in, a latex gas mask is added to complete the bondage.

a water-filled bottle is brought into use, but we'll leave you to find out what happens once you have bought the clip.  :)

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unable to see, adreena has to feel her way around the room. A large ballgag is added to complete her outfit - for now!
in the second part of this video clip, adreena is still dressed from head to toes in fetish clothing. This time a steel spreader bar is attached to adreena's ankles and pink ropes are added to the bondage to make it progressively harder for adreena to move around the floor. Adreena does not enjoy being treated this way!

this compilation clip is over 25% cheaper than buying the two individuak clips that make up its content.

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try as she might she is unable to free herself.  The hood she is wearing restricts her breathing and the more she struggles the worse her predicament.

she admits to being unable to free herself but has no idea what we have planned for her.

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this clip features a number of firsts - for us!

fi has her breasts tightened into a wooden breast press and in the course of tightening the screws she starts to lactate.  This brings her close to a climax and she goes over the edge repeatedly as the milk drops are whipped off her breasts.

the wooden tongue press is not tight enough for fi so she screws the wingnuts further until she is satisfied.

when we pull on her nipples she helps us by leaning back.

the final section shows what happens when we apply pressure to her neck.  More orgasms, of course!

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we see weekay88 tie up her 'volunteer' and then adjust the thin tube in the bubbler bottle over the full 13 minutes of this clip.  Towards the end of the clip xxmodelxx is permitted to climax and she does this to such good effect that four orgasms are drawn out of her!

not much action visible but a lovely interaction between the two ladies and wonderful sound effects.  :)

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a darlex hood is then pulled over fayth's head so that she can no longer see her predicament.  She still struggles!

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watch as she searches frantically.  Eventually her captor enters and the bondage becomes real and a lot more serious.  The final two and a half minutes show karina being tickled to her limit, and beyond!

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